MK Ultra And Acceptance.....

1 year ago

Let's talk about the NEW Normals. 70 percent of the world's population have been programmed to believe that everything right now is normal when that is far from the truth.

Acceptance to switch to EV vehicles, Acceptance of all the decapitations, Murder Suicides, Dismemberments, Demonic Possessions.

Acceptance to eat Bugs and switch to Fake Meat Products, cloned meat and pay the largest price for protein.

Acceptance that nothing is going to happen and you will own nothing and be happy. Brainwashing you that sin and duality is normal.

They have been programmed to accept the LGBTQ community , gay rights, black lives matter, Q, Galactic Federation of Light and to accept that the left and right wing are two separate entities when that's a lie and they all work for the same god of this world Yaldabaoth Samuel aka Yahweh, Jehovah , Elohim, Baal Moloch Lucifer Samael Red Dragon ect.

All to push their new agendas green, 2030, ai, depopulation/Sacraficed and to raise the Antichrist (Jewish Messiah up into their New Earth (Hell) The way they want. Exposing who they are the fallen angels.

This is a wakeup call to all who have not taken the Mark of the Beast, (why do you think making it legal in the schools!!!) 30 percent out there and have not accepted Jesus the Christ Yeshua as their Lord and Savior.

What is it going to take to show you it's right in your face on a daily basis. ?? Choose Wisely.....................The Vail will come completely come down.

I AM Truth Wisdom Justice ⚖️
I AM Captain Archangel Jophiel of My Lords Army 💜🗡️😇🎺

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