NIGHT SHADOWS 10262022 -- Psalm 2: “Let us break their bands asunder . . ."

1 year ago

The West needs their WW3 in order to bring in their long-awaited New Age World Order as shown by Albert Pike. What everyone is watching is the Psalm Two War coming to its apex as the kings and rulers of this world move to take total control of the world. All of this is a SCRIPTED WAR, THE WAR BETWEEN CHRIST AND SATAN, as to who is going to rule over the Earth. What we will most likely see is the rise of a NEW GOLDEN AGE complete with an arrival of the "gods" to usher in humanities final evolutionary leap to "godhood" status. Will it all work as planned, or will the ONE TRUE GOD decide He has had enough and shuts it all down? Earth Changes abound the world over and more...

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