Is "Flat-earth" a judeo disinfo operation? We explore the subject with Know More News' Adam Green

1 year ago

In Episode 37 of the cast we were joined by Know More News' Adam Green to discuss the theological subversion of the sciences as a sort of introductory foray into a broader set of research topics which we feel deserve a lot more attention (from him but also alt-thinkers in general). Tying in theology, we thought, might help interest Adam in a broader perspective since theology is a principle focus of his work. In the full episode you will find Adam in agreement with the majority of our articulations but got somewhat triggered by the insinuation that perhaps the ball-theory, heliocentric, gravity dependent mainstream space cosmology wasn't all it's cracked up to be. In this deep dive, we juxtapose some of the key segments where we attempt to provide Adam a new lens through which to view these subjects in episode 37 with the response from Adam in subsequent tweets he published...and our response to those tweets.

In short, it seems Adam has a hard time viewing the "globe skeptic" subject matter outside the lens of his existing work - that essentially the whole flat earth line of inquiry is only a judeo-disinfo deception / distraction. Is Adam Green an agent? Or is he just clouded by the influence of his bread and butter audience?

We would love to have Adam back on the show to discuss but needless to say we were disappointed with Adam's response. With that being said, Adam will remain as a permanent fixture on because he is nevertheless bringing forth worthwhile and relevant takes on the subversiveness of the foundationally supremacist world religions, but ZNN would love to see him expand his horizons (pun intended).

Adam's twitter reaction shortly following Episode 37:

Full Episode 37:

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