New Geoengineering Push to Block the Sun Must Be Halted Urgent Call to Action

2 years ago

Oct 26, 2022

Educative and empowering conversation with Jolie Diane, Director of Zero Geoengineering and Zero 5G from New York and Paska Ann, Co-coordinator of the Connecticut State Assembly from Connecticut, on the dangers of blocking the sun with sulphur dioxide--as proposed by the Biden Administration and David Keith and co.--the long history of weaponized weather modification stemming from a history of military weather warfare, and the whole arc of climate control using ELFs, EMFs, and aerosols, all with dual-use intent. and where it's all headed, given the buildout of cyborging and technology-convergence technologies (nanotech, neurotech), the rollout of dangerously high frequencies of 5G and intended 6G, intentions for Brain Internet and Global Cerebral Internets, all of which also tie back to Michael Aquino's Satanic Mind Wars and James Giordano's published invasive neurotechnologies.

Many dark actors in the military-intelligence-industrial complex are working to harm humanity. enslave humanity, and end humanity with distinct bio surveillance and transhumanist paradigms, and it is up to people to rise and speak out at the local and county and city levels and stop all harmful rollouts--whether of more celltowers and satellites, 5G, smart meters, or aerosols.

Paska mentions the administrative process of Notices one can use while Jolie recommends taking solid scientific data from her website and others and using it to persuade people in positions of power of the facts. Much change is needed--one of which Paska suggests can be transformation to fiber optic from wifi for all our communications needs--and it won't happen unless people individually step up and step forward to take definitive action to save our environment, air, soil, water and children of future generations.

We are at a point of bifurcation and choice for the planet currently: more misery and evil at their hands, or a bit of action on our parts to save our children's lives.

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