Sound of Silenced Science

1 year ago

source : Visceral Adventure
Hello Darkest MSM,
I’ve come to face you once again,
Because the horrors steadily streaming,
Grew seeds of fear while I was sleeping,
And the nightmares you planted in my brain,
Were sustained,
When you silenced science.

In quarantine I walked alone
Down the halls of my own home
In the halo of a zoom call
I wore a mask ‘cause I was in their thrall
Then my mind was stabbed with a thought of its own free will
I tried until
I understood the science

And on the evening news I saw
Ten million people, maybe more
People jabbing without thinking
People aping without listening
People spewing hate that famous voices shared
But no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence

"Fools" said I, "You do not know
That silence like a cancer grows
Learn the science that it might teach you
Do the math that it might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of pseudo-science

And the people bowed and prayed
To the CoVid god they made
And the Science shouted its warning
In the findings that it was forming
And I found that "The words of the prophets are written in Substack mail and Twitter jail, and echo against the silence.

Sounds of Silenced Science is a salute to all of those who found their own path, while sometimes walking alone through a maze of information and disinformation. It is a solid tribute to those who possessed the confidence to methodically question reality presented from without, but who knew another truth arising from within. We raise a toast to science, as this questioning is its fundamental definition, and the individual trust in this science, multiplied by many, is what united us, and ultimately, at least temporary, saved us from an eternity of lock-downs.

The Adverse Events featuring The Spike Girls might have been born out of good fun, but doesn't life usually tell you you're on the right track if even hard work comes by effortlessly? Thanks to four special ladies for the delightful collaboration.

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