One Great Feature of the RE320 Microphone (A Great Overall Microphone)

1 year ago

Besides having lots of clarity and good tone overall, the Electro-Voice RE320 has one really good feature that would benefit any podcaster:

A strong output level.

Every microphone outputs its audio signal at a certain level (qualified in the specification called ‘Sensitivity’).

Some microphones have a relatively weak output level which you must boost it A LOT to bring the level up to line level. The Shure SM7B is one of these and that’s why some people say the SM7B is “gain hungry.”

But the RE320 is strong like Bull.

In the world of podcasting, where most people don’t have a strong or high quality mic preamp, the RE320 works well because it doesn’t overwork your mic preamp too much.

Of course another consideration that factors into the “how much to crank up your mic preamp” conversation is for the person speaking into the mic to use good mic technique. (Here’s a video I made on mic technique like 100 years ago, back when I had a beard)

RE320 Specs —

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