1 year ago

Galatians 6:9 King James Version
9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

BECAUSE GOD’S WORD NEVER COMES BACK EMPTY, AND WE’LL REAP A MARVELOUS HARVEST!!! GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA EVERYONE!!! What a crazy, yet very awesome day Ricky and I had today. To start with guys I want to apologize in advance for not posting yesterday's Evening Post, I completely forgot, due to being very exhausted, but I hope you got to read it and we're blessed by it. We got a late start on our day today, because both Ricky and I are just feeling the effects of this weather, but We did our usual of taking care of the fur babies, where we met at Petco, not only dipstick, but Clem, and a new arrival named Alli-Cat. both Alli-Cat and Clem, really got along well, and it really made our day. We then went to Lee's Hoagie House to pick up lunch slash dinner, and we're home right now very grateful for how well our day went.

I want to ask these questions from this morning's devotional, and I really pray that they challenge and motivate you and how you share God's word.

How have you seen the power of Scripture at work?

How has that brought blessing?

I've read this passage of scripture from this morning's devotional countless times, and I needed the reminder that God's word does not come back empty, but that in God's will come away, and timing, produces a magnificent harvest, and sometimes produces the most unexpected blessings that we could never imagine. What I'd like to do right now my friends, is share some thoughts God gave me through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that it will challenge you to know that God's word does achieve God's purposes. We just need to be willing to submit to God's will, and wait on Him. Come join me in this vlog and see just how God's word achieves His purposes, and never comes back void! 😊

As I close this post with all of you tonight, I pray that you will not give up in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others, because it seems like no one's listening. Be like Ben, and show patients, trust, and a willingness to continue sharing the gospel, and watch how God works. You never know who God will bring to him, and you never know how God might use you to do it. We may not see it immediately, and yes it's true that many of our family members and friends, may look at us as nuts, cooks, where Lord knows what, but in the end, God's the one that works in the hearts of every man, woman, and child, and even though we don't see the results right away, God's truth is powerful and it certainly will accomplish his purposes, in His way, will, and timing. After all, God's word never comes back empty! 😊



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