Genesis 29 & 30 Bible Study - a wedding night surprise & the tribes of Israel are born.

1 year ago

This week we cover the 2nd half of Genesis 29 (picking it up at 29:14) through the end of Genesis 30. In this we see Jacob, the “deceiver” be the one who is deceived when Laban tricks him into marrying his eldest daughter Leah rather than Jacob’s betrothed, Rachel. We discuss the historical-cultural significance of marriage and the marriage contract in the ancient near east then move on to the battle between Leah and Rachel for value and love based on their ability to provide children to Jacob. There is also a brief incident between Leah and Rachel involving some mandrakes (what are those?)

Between Leah and Rachel (and their two handmaid’s Zilpah & Bilhah) the twelve tribes of Jacob/Israel are born. We conclude this week by looking at an odd and superstitious thing that Jacob does to increase his wealth in sheep and goats.

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