RT News - October 26th 2022 Late

1 year ago

Pres. Putin says Ukraine is being constantly pumped with weapons as a tool of Western foreign policy.

Russia's nuclear deterrence forces are put to the test - with sea, air and ground test-launches of ballistic and cruise missiles.

In Kherson, saboteurs have broken into a police station with a grenade to steal weapons.

Britain's new PM has spoken to Pres. Biden to confirm Britain's continued support of Ukraine (QueenStreet comment - with the British public's money of course)

A Romanian Senator slams the country's president for publicly supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia saying it is not Bucharest's war. The Romanian Defence Minister has resigned due to differences over the Bucharest government's policies.

India fines Google $130 million

Hillary Clinton accuses Republicans of rigging the vote for the Whitehouse (QueenStreet comment - makes a change from Russia I suppose 😎 )

US citizens are asking why their tax money is being spent on foreign wars and not on essential services at home, especially as the far right in foreign countries seem to be the beneficiaries of their money. Many are worried to express their discontent with the situation publicly.


via RT website 26 Oct, 2022 14:53 IMPORTANT
Kremlin responds to US troop deployment on Ukrainian border

Washington’s military presence threatens Russia’s security and won’t be ignored, President Putin's spokesman warned

The US troop deployment in Romania increases risks for Russia’s security, and will prompt Moscow to take countermeasures, Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday. He was referring to the US Army’s 101st Airborne Division, which is currently stationed in Romania on the border with Ukraine.

Speaking to reporters, Peskov noted that “the closer American troops are to our borders, the greater danger we are in.” He went on to say that Moscow factors in such a military presence when developing its security framework.

Peskov reiterated that such a deployment on Russia’s doorstep “does not contribute to predictability and stability.”

Last week, speaking to CBS News, commanders of the 101st Airborne Division said that they would not hesitate to enter Ukraine should a direct conflict break out between Russia and NATO.

In total, around 4,700 American soldiers from 101st Airborne have been sent to Europe. While in Romania, the division, which has been nicknamed “Screaming Eagles,” is holding live-fire ground and air assault exercises with their NATO counterparts.

According to its commanders, the division is the closest US unit to the fighting in Ukraine, and it is actively monitoring the Russian military while organizing drills to “replicate exactly what's going on” there.

NATO has repeatedly stated that it is not a party to the conflict and will not send its troops into Ukraine. In late June, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that the US-led bloc would significantly increase the number of its forces on high alert from 40,000 to over 300,000.

Since the start of Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine, NATO has been funnelling billions of dollars in military aid to Kiev, providing it with state-of-the-art weaponry.


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