According2Sam #138 'Wrong Track'

1 year ago

Election polling has been a mixed bag over the years and the inconsistency has left many people skeptical about polls. For example, Nate Silver from FiveThirtyEight correctly predicted every state in the 2012 reelection of Barack Obama, but then in 2016 when Donald Trump was elected Silver and many others got their predictions shockingly wrong. There are many more examples of polls correctly predicting the outcomes in elections, and others that got their predictions wrong. Polling is a science, but it is also an art. Pollsters must get the best samples of the public for their polls, but once you have a good sample you must ask the right questions to get a true understanding of the issues motivating voters. You can't just ask if they support candidate A or B. One question that has been a consistent barometer of what will happen in an election is the 'right track/wrong track' question. If pollsters find that a large percentage of their sample feels the nation, state, or city is on the wrong track it usually means doom for the people in power. What does the 'right track/wrong track' question say about our upcoming election, and what does it mean for Democrats? Join the conversation and get answers to this question and more on According2Sam episode #138.

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