Kathy Hochul Shows No Remorse for Firing Unvaxed Healthcare Workers: "I Would Do It All Over Again!"

2 years ago

Kathy Hochul Shows No Remorse for Firing Unvaxed Healthcare Workers: "I Would Do It All Over Again"

In last night's debate for governor of New York, Kathy Hochul answered a question about vaccine mandates. Here's how she responded:

"I would do it all over again what I did last year — that mandate for healthcare workers. Because no one — after what we went through in this state, and the loss of life and how people didn't survive being in a nursing home. I said our healthcare workers — when you walk into a doctor's office, a hospital, a nursing home, you shouldn't contract COVID from the person charged with taking care of you."

It looks like she's still stuck in 2021 — or peddling a false narrative in the interests of pharma. When are they going to learn it is the VACCINATED who are contracting COVID at higher rates?

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