Stoning of the Doctrine of Christ & The Celestial Flower ❤️ Jesus elucidates John 8:59

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17th Sermon of Jesus... The Jews try to stone Jesus
Stoning of the Doctrine of Christ

Revealed to Gottfried Mayerhofer on February 17th, 1872
spoken by Pascal

John 8:59...
Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

Thus says the Lord...

1. Here you have another proof of how little the majority of the Jewish people understood Me, My mission, My origin and My teaching.

2. When you read this whole chapter from beginning to end you must admit that I poured out streams of light over My listeners in the temple. However, it was in vain. Most of them took My words literally; the Pharisees and scribes, offended by the truth of My words in connection with the adulteress, stole away and the others, with their limited understanding, did not comprehend what I said.

3. This misinterpretation of My words still exists today, perhaps even to a greater extent. For whereas at that time people took the Scriptures and also My words literally, your present-day scholars and scientists want to prove to you from visible nature that there is no God or Creator and, consequently, none of the words spoken through the Prophets or Jesus is of divine origin. At that time the Jews wanted to stone Me not just because I told them the truth to their face, but because I presumed to speak of My divine origin, the possibility of which they could not imagine.

4. The Jews of that time stuck strictly to their laws in a literal sense but they made the precepts of Moses as easy for themselves as possible. So they could not be expected to appreciate My teaching which separated the spirit from the dead letter, for with the observance of My teaching they would have been compelled to restrict themselves and their passions. They were - what many thousands are still today - just temple-goers and sticklers for ceremonies. To this effect the people had also been educated by the priests, so that the latter would not lose their influence and would still be able to exploit the people in whatever way it suited them.

5. Take your history book and read it carefully and you will find that after a church with its priests had been established it was not long before the teachings of My disciples were used for the purpose of securing power and recognition for the clergy, which had also been the main object of the priests in Jerusalem during My time. The education of young men for this caste was also arranged in such a way that they were not to learn or understand anything that was not of benefit for the aims of the priesthood. The results of this attitude were religious wars, persecution and the separation into two main camps - the Catholics and the Protestants. These two churches -endeavouring to find their salvation in literal interpretation -again split up into several sects with My teaching, about the interpretation of which they were fighting. Yet My teaching was practically as the basis for all of them.

6. Now that the process of purification has commenced, they are still fighting about the same things but with 'peaceful' means. Again the sects and castes are fighting one another. Some men demand a purification of the many ceremonial rites which are almost covering up the whole religious edifice. They want to revert to the initial simple cult where every ceremony introduced had a spiritual basis which also the laity could understand. So far these men, as a result of their education, are still on the wrong track. They, too, do not fully comprehend what I once said, that My Word was spirit and truth and that he who wanted to worship Me had to do this in spirit and in truth.

7. Several of My disciples had advised the congregations, which had originally formed, against the introduction of ceremonial rites. For ceremony kills the spirit and is easily misunderstood, considered more important than it acutally is and rather leads away from Me than closer to Me.

8. The longing that has now taken hold of many minds and aims at a religious cult more in line with the present time and the education of today's Christians is the transition to the ultimate, spiritual supreme cult for which a way is being paved trough My direct communications conveyed to you for over thirty years (see Jacob Lorber, 1840!).

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