Halloween: Pagan-Catholics & Lucifer

2 years ago

***There is some flashing imagery in this video***

Like the prophets of old, The Loud Cry is rumbling for the viewers to consider their own lives, to repent of their sinful ways, to turn back to the only True Living God and help save their own souls and the souls of those they know and love, in the name of Jesus Christ.

It is time to open our eyes & to turn away from Pagan practices: Halloween, Christmas & Easter.

Stand up for your God, Do Not Be Afraid & more importantly Do Not Be Deceived.

Clips used during this video by Michael Rood & Walter Veith are used for educational purposes only. All rights belong to ARoodAwakening.TV and AmazingDiscoveries.Org respectively.

To Learn more about Michael Rood's Chronological Gospel Series visit:
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To Learn more about Walter Veith's Total Onslaught Series visit:
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