Philanthropy, Charity & God’s Blessing... Jesus explains ❤️ Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

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THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN Volume 1 Chapters 125 – 126
Revealed by Jesus Christ through the Inner Word to Jakob Lorber

Philanthropy, Charity & God’s blessing... Jesus elucidates

The Lord discusses the Essenes with the disciples of John. The house of the tax collector Matthew as an example of philanthropy.

1. John’s disciples say: “Are we doing wrong by living in accordance with John’s teaching? Sure, John was a strict preacher, but he never gave us such a teaching!

2. See, the Essenese Order, with which we are familiar, is strict as well, and the first law among them is truthfulness, but of what use is their truthfulness and their other strict rules to them? Who takes any notice of them?! They are regarded by neither the Greeks nor us Jews, they are only supposed to have a few adherents among the Romans. May the teaching by which they live be ever so good and pure, being excellent for those few who have separated themselves from the world, yet it is totally unfit for mankind at large.

3. Of what benefit are the many nice and forceful words about the brotherhood of man to us?

4. See, this house is a big house, a hospitable house, and second to none in terms of brotherhood, but can you seriously expect of it to, at all times, be ready to receive and care for all men, who surely are our brethren as well? Even with the best spirit and will, it surely lacks the necessary means, such as space, food and the like.

5. Furthermore, let’s suppose a couple of poor people struggled to build themselves a hut and gather a most meager provision for winter, barely sufficient for their own needs, and then suddenly 10 people come to this couple, who hardly have enough room for themselves, asking for admission, lodging and provision. Say, can any teaching demand of these two, or even advise them, that it is good and beneficient to meet the demands of the 10 newcomers, and to thereby ruin themselves for good?”

6. Say I: “Every bird sings and chirps in accordance with its beak, and you talk in accordance with your worldly sense, and cannot do otherwise, as you don’t know how to. And that is pretty much all I can tell you at this point. Because even if I were to tell you something higher and completely true, from the Heavens themselves, you would still not understand Me, because your hard heart lacks the necessary intellect.

7. Fools! Who is it that lets the fruit grow and ripen upon the Earth? Who maintains them and consistently gives them the power to do so?! Do you think that God cannot, or will not, reward him who sacrifices himself unselfishly for his brethren’s sake? Or do you think that God is unjust, demanding of man the impossible?!

8. Yet I say that a truly honest goodwill, and a keen desire to do a poor brother some good, is easily possible for all!

9. If everyone were imbued as such, through and through, then there would be no more of such meager huts upon the Earth, only inhabitable by two people.

10. See, this house of My friend Matthew has fed many people today, and gave away its entire stock out of true goodness of the heart, and if you don’t believe it, go and see the larder, as well as the granary, and you shall find no provisions. Here, however, stands the landlord; Ask him whether I speak untruthfully!”

11. Matthew fully supports My statement, saying: “Lord, unfortunately, today it is as you say it is, and I don’t know how I am supposed to provide for the guests of tomorrow. But I have fared this way often enough already, and I trusted in God, and see, everything was fully replenished, so that I could provide for the guests quite well!”

12. “See”, I say thereto, “a righteous person thinks and acts this way in this world, and does not complain that God abandoned him! And so it has always been, and will be eternally!

13. If a person trusts in God, he is trusted by God as well, who does not forsake him and does not let him be confounded. But those who, like you, do believe in God’s existence, but do not fully trust Him, because their own heart tells them that they are unworthy of His help, are not helped by God either, for they have no trust in God. They trust only their own powers and means, which they regard...


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