8 Foods That Will Improve Your Digestion Naturally

1 year ago

When you eat, your digestive system has to work very hard. It's like a ballet, with your body performing the steps to unlock the nutrients, energy, calories, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins in the food you eat. Afterward, it neatly sweeps up whatever is left and excretes it from the body.

Unless anything goes wrong, you probably don't give these intricate systems much thought. Abdominal pain, gas, bloating, and diarrhoea are all uncomfortable, but they're also easily avoidable. Eating foods that are easy on the digestive system is a simple way to improve your digestive health.

Suzie Finkel, RD, a dietitian at New York Gastroenterology Associates in New York City, says, "The best approach to achieve so is to have a well-rounded diet, having appropriate fibre from a broad variety of fruits and vegetables of different colours that feed different bacteria in the microbiome. Bacteria, viruses, and fungus are just some of the billions of microorganisms that call the digestive system home, forming what is known as the gut microbiome.

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