INTROSPECTION - silence and stillness cn only exist in your mind

1 year ago

Being silent unconsciously means being complacent, since silence is content. Unconscious silence has to be forced by one side, and the other side submits, and this has to repeat until the needed side simply accepts submission as the new normal and would forget about any sense of revolution.
A silent conscious being is hard to understand: they are so because in order to hear intuition, one must have a silent mind. To hear Nature's voices, one also must have a silent mind.
So there is a difference in what silence would mean, based on one's level of awareness. Conscious silence needs no effort after a certain level, so don't be fool to take a silent conscious being as weak. The wisdom that they may share can easily shatter your illusions, and question would be: are you ready to face the truth that what you've been embracing was an illusion all along?

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