How to know if you're a growing man or a stagnant man #judge judy full episodes

1 year ago

A growing Man Vs a stagnant man how to inspect what you expect

A man who is not growing has no passion, no drive and no vision. He is lazy and will never amount to anything in life. He will be the same person he was yesterday, tomorrow and the day after that!

I know this sounds harsh but it is the truth! A growing man will never allow himself to become stagnant, he knows that his life is a work in progress and each day he sets out to do better than yesterday.

A stagnant man is stuck in his ways and refuses to change or grow because he believes that everything is fine just the way it is. He refuses to take chances or risks because he thinks that everything will fall into place if he just waits long enough. He believes that if he just stays put then things will fall into place for him eventually!

The truth is that nothing ever falls into place unless you make it happen yourself! A stagnant man will never accomplish much of anything in life because he believes that everything should come easily and effortlessly with little effort on his part. A growing man understands that things are not going to come easy for him but instead work hard at them until they do come easy for him!
#judge judy full episodes #growth tv #growth hacking #brian tracy

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