How can we help shape our next generation of leaders ?

1 year ago

I am a husband a father of three amazing children a small business owner a jiu jitsu practitioner and a MMA fighter Here in orange city Florida. I’m worried about the current state of our country just like many people are but unlike many people I want to contribute and help ,and the best way to do that is starting at a local level.
I want to brainstorm with community leaders I want to figure out what we can do to inspire and motivate young people to push themselves past their limiting beliefs and realize that in America we can do what we set our minds to as long as we’re willing to put the physical work in .
So how can we help shape our next generation? I believe it starts with the most Minute details Such as picking up trash if you’re walking by it ,take responsibility for it and get it off our streets , holding the door open for strangers ,saying hi to people in our community & passing compliments to strangers… All of these things help develop internal confidence.. But how do we spread this message without doing it ourselves , WE CANT .we are the example and we are the ones who need to set the standards for our children to follow #america #leaders

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