Fikir Amlak & Crucial Rob - Great Work & Great Dub

1 year ago

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The first single from a forthcoming album

Great Work Great Work
Great Work man I get up and work
Great Sun Great Goal Great Work
Great Sun Great Stone

First key is the great work
Purify all the inward
Great light never hindered
No lens no filter
And if I can’t see the shimmer
Well then my vision is injured
Shine bright never dimmer
Four stage African mirror


Royal Art on the quest like Lao Tze
Elixir in the Sutra too
One drop can transform you
From bronze to gold anew
In the Book of Enoch clue
Sons of Ishmael from Hagar it was due
Sons of Isaac same tree branch new
True state no death just hues
True Self inna Kundalini zone
In the west face east and come home
Sacramentally unite and atone
What is your will what have you been shown
Are you prepared for miracles and more
Complete the rite yeah, and take an oath
Seal your word with a breath deep down
Meditate on the 33 tones


Aspire to the infinite quintessential throne
In flames of prayer I and I attain what we own
Land of Fire Light and flame of ancient and old
Oh Jah of the earth you are the soul of all forms
Come forth in love like the circle of the storm
From the depths of the sea I inspire and perform
Tracing the sigil of the moon upon a scroll
Rings of power I keep things in control
Night and day we fulfill our role
Sun and moon our will we extoll
Revel in the joy when the bells they toll
Rose and the cross they use and stole
This is the glory of the dawn I behold
Eternal quest for the one untold
All in the all in the Secret abode
Eternal change in the perpetual ohm

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