What is truth? | amihai.Substack.com | Art of Now

2 years ago

What is truth?
A question that you may have asked yourself.
How you asked that question, is very important.
If it was asked, out of curiosity, it has no meaning.
If it was asked with expectation to get an answer, it’s really destructive question.
If it was asked with great interest, yet without any assumption,
- Any assumption for an answer
- Any assumption that there is an answer
- Any assumption that yourself or someone else, can meet that question, with something that you don’t have
'What is truth?’ , is a question that is asked;
With great pain, and beauty.
It’s a question that arises from the realization of the vanity in one’s life.
In that space, that pure space, of abandoning all assets of mind,
And questioning whether there’s anything, that doesn’t live under this limited space of the mind,
In that - the answer
In the questioning - the opening is

#truth #meditation #selfinquiry

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