Batman: Arkham City (Xbox 360) Gameplay

2 years ago

I recently bought the whole Arkham series on Steam for $8, but I already owned Arkham City on the 360, but had yet to get around to playing it. Today I decided to fire it up, and I decided to share some gameplay footage as well.

The PC version, obviously, looks better, and runs better, but the 360 version is still an excellent way to experience this game. There are some framerate issues here and there, but nothing game-breaking. I have the Game of the year edition, and it comes with all the DLC on a second disk which is always good to have a hard-copy of.

I'm a little Arkham'd out at the moment as I has been switching off between all three games on my PC, but if you're like me, and am late to the Arkham party, look into the entire series.

#batmanarkhamcity #Xbox360 #nocommentary

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