This truly bizarre fish is an ambush predator.

2 years ago

Due to their fixed upward gaze, they are known as "stargazers," as if they are observing the constellations in the sky.However, their method of hunting—laying dormant in the sand and waiting for an unsuspecting fish to swim over their large mouths—actually causes their eyes to be fixed upward.As the fish conceals the remainder of its body, the stargazer's eyes are raised to stand out from the sand.
The stargazer has a small appendage in its mouth that serves as a lure to attract smaller fish closer, but prey will eventually overtake this larger fish.The lure wiggles like a worm or small eel from the mouth that is upturned.When unwary fish approach for a snack, they will suddenly discover that they are the snack.
The large mouths of stargazers engulf their prey as they lunge forward at breakneck speed.A fish can be easily sedated or severed by rows of razor-sharp teeth.The stargazer's mouth is shielded from sand as it breathes or lies still in the sand by the same interlocking arrangement of these teeth.
Surprisingly quickly, this stargazer blends into the loose sand as it crosses the ocean floor.A burrow and a covering that looks like an undisturbed sand patch can be made with just a few wiggles.Nothing can be seen from above except for the two eyes that are not moving.
Stargazers are capable ambush predators with venomous spines and the ability to deliver an electric shock in some species.The stargazer has a good chance of avoiding being eaten thanks to these characteristics, which can be used for hunting or self-defense.What lurks in the ocean undetected and unnoticed frequently surprises.We are only just beginning to comprehend the bizarre and beautiful creatures that live here.

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