Why CRM Phone Number

1 year ago

You mentioned a while ago, or at the beginning that some of the CRMs come with a separate phone line. Can you tell me why that would be important?

That is amazing. Here’s what happens when your phone line is connected to your CRM. When I talk to you on the phone or even just call you and don't get to talk to you, it keeps track that I dialed your number or that you called me. And as soon as that phone is disconnected, it lets me put a little note in there. So the difference is if I'm calling 50 people, it's my day to make phone calls. I've got a stack of 50 people, I'm going to call. I call all those people on my personal cell phone, there are no notes at all or no record that I called them in the CRM. So -- then what do you have to do? You have to go into the CRM and make a note that you called them. And then, of course, make a little note about what you talked about. In the CRM that has the phone, you still want to make that note about what you talked about. But it just pops right up for you. Right there, as soon as you're done talking to them, there's the little box to make the note. And then you can move on to the next person. So that eliminates that extra step of having either continue to call people and then later go back in the CRM and update everyone.

Or at that moment, when you hang up the phone, go into the CRM, and make the note that you called the person. So it eliminates one step.
I find that it makes a huge difference for me when I'm making calls.
The simplicity of having it all there together. Also, you can text people from your computer. I can call people from my computer. So I don't have to have a headset on. I don't have to have my phone in my hand. Some people are really concerned about the electronics being right on your head like that. I can talk to people on the phone just exactly like I'm talking to you right now. If you have a blog microphone a nice microphone external the phone uses that as well. So your sound quality is amazing when you're on the phone.
So you can text from the computer, you can make phone calls from the computer, and all of that is stored with the contact record automatically. So it saves you extra record keeping and it just keeps it all there together.

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