Activist’s Playhouse That Is Australian Parliament (Greens)

1 year ago

Last month, Australian Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe walked into parliament giving a black power salute and mockingly recited the oath of allegiance referring to the Queen as a ‘coloniser’. Then earlier this week, Greens Leader Adam Bandt rocked up to the Midwinter Ball with his wife Claudia Perkins wearing a “coal kills” and “gas kills” full-length dress. Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young also joined in on the climate protest wearing, “End Gas and Coal”. Then Senator Thorpe was at it again and called another senator a racist in parliament, refusing to withdraw her comment until she was advised she would be suspended if she didn’t. Then just five hours after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Adam Bandt tweeted his condolences followed by, “Now Australia must move forward. We need Treaty with First Nations people, and we need to become a Republic”. I thought the Parliament of Australia was a place of robust debate representative of the people. But now it seems it’s becoming an activist’s playhouse.

#Shorts #activism #antics #lidiathorpe #politics #australia

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