I’ve Cut These Things From My Life

2 years ago

There were just too many things that I just didn’t like doing, so the following nine things I have pretty much cut from my life.

1. The Office. I do not like the office environment. It’s full of people either wanting to get ahead by pushing others aside, or control freaks who want everyone to do their bidding, or people who have nothing else in their life other than work and treat the office like their own personal stomping ground. The office environment has become toxic.

2. The Government. How can I cut the government from my life you may ask? Well, obviously, I still have to pay taxes and all that. I get no say in where my money goes. It gets wasted on useless, do-nothing apps, even though the government said at the time that it was critical for the safety of all Australians. So obviously, I can’t stop idiotic governments pursuing their idiotic agendas, but I can ignore them. And that’s what I’ve been doing. I have no interest in government. They do not represent me, so I just simply ignore them. It’s been working well. Occasionally I see a police officer driving past me when I’m walking down the street, and I just ignore them, and they ignore me. Just how I like it. Surely, they’ve got bigger fish to fry.

3. Friends. Yes, I pretty much don’t see any of my friends. Maybe once or twice a year they’ll contact me asking for us to catch up, and I oblige. Occasionally, I bump into them on the street, and I’m polite and say hello and all the rest of it, but I’ve got no need in my life to see friends. That’s not to say that I don’t have a social life. I mean, every day I see my family. Every Saturday afternoon I take my children to the park to play with the neighbourhood kids.

4. News. I hate the news now, so I cut it from my life. There is never any good news. It’s always catastrophe! Impending war, pestilence, famine, economic disaster! I get it, negative news sells papers, or in the modern world, gets more clicks. But that doesn’t mean that I have to watch it. Watching the news is depressing, so I’ve done the right thing in turning it off.

5. Driving. I pretty much try to avoid driving altogether. 90% of my life occurs within a 3km radius of my home anyway, with probably about 97% occurring with 5km. That’s completely walkable. Anywhere I need to go, I can walk. On those rare occasions when it’s pouring down rain, or when I have to travel to another city or whatever, sure, I’ll drive. But for the vast majority of my travels, I walk. Driving in my suburb sucks anyway! You just get stuck in traffic all the time. Actually, walking home from school with my children is usually quicker than driving.

6. Junk Food. A couple of weeks ago, I had some Hungry Jacks or whatever, and then I realised, I don’t need it in my life. It wasn’t particularly nice, and it was just full of salt, fat, and sugar. That’s not to say that I won’t occasionally take my children to Maccas or whatever, but I’m done with junk food. It only makes me feel bad after I eat it. I’d much rather make some spaghetti at home.

7. Junk TV. As with junk food, junk TV has become awful. There are so many rubbish TV shows now that’s it’s just not worth watching. Not to mention all the stupid ads usually advertising alcohol, junk food, or government injections. Nah thanks, I’m done with it.

8. Stuff. As in, the useless purchasing of consumer goods. Materialism is boring. I know lots of people love buying stuff they don’t need, and I think I know why. Their life, which probably consists mainly of mind-numbing work, is extremely boring. So, to compensate, they go out and use their hard-earned money to try bring some sort of happiness to their life, even if it’s only fleeting. Personally, I see no point in owning dozens of pairs of shoes, or designer clothing, or the latest Apple iPod. It just doesn’t interest me. Unfortunately, many people have mistakenly fooled themselves into thinking that physical possessions equates to happiness. It was an advertising gimmick that worked. But, I think we live in a joyless economy. It’s been shown that people who tend to be more materialistic are also less happy with themselves and their lives. No thanks. I’ll stick to my green tea and my one pair of walking shoes.

And lastly, 9. Anger. Well, trying to cut Anger. This is an ongoing pursuit. I know that my anger has only hurt me in the past, so I’m trying my best everyday to be less angry. I found in recent times I was mostly angry at the media and the government. Thankfully, cutting those two things out of my life have helped tremendously.

Anyway, that’s my list. Feel free to comment and add your own. Peace!

Melancholia by Godmode

#materialism #lifetips #happiness #selfimprovement #selfhelp #consumption

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