What Causes Overwhelm and How to Conquer It

1 year ago

#overwhelmed #overwhelm #stressed #ShayoliHope

What causes Overwhelm and how to Conquer it.

The causes of overwhelm are:

Too much to do, Not being able to keep up with what we have to do. Being unorganized. Not being able to focus.

Some more causes are:

Worry or stress, Issues that seem to have no solution. Things that seem to go wrong constantly. Choices made by other people that affect you.

Overwhelm causes other emotion such as anxiety/panic attacks., fear, and stress. It can cause physical pain and if this overwhelm goes for a long period of time it can cause long term health issues.

Tips for dealing with immediate overwhelm are do deep breathing, change your mindset/flip the script. Sing or dance, visually see the emotions being released from your body and say positive affirmations.

I give example of all these tips.

To conquer overwhelm you need to work on balancing your life. I gave a visual example. Then Prioritize the things that need to be done. Manage your time conception with timers if needed. Learn to say no without guilt and always fit in some fun in your life.

Now...are you ready to learn to stop being overwhelmed? Try the tips and tricks and stay tuned for more about healthy body, mind and soul. My name is Fae Mills

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