US "abandon" Native Americans & committed crimes against humanities

1 year ago

US look herself in the mirror & accused China because that is how US "abandon" Native Americans & committed crimes against humanities 美國照鏡子指責中國, 因為美國就是這樣“拋棄”美洲原住民, 犯下反人類罪

A U.S. project recently is building a massive website, "Native Bound-Unbound: Archive of Indigenous Americans Enslaved," to digitize and piece together stories of the millions of enslaved NativeAmericans, reported Axios . Native Americans' life has been tied to forced relocation, poverty, alcohol and high suicide rate. It is hard to imagine these words being associated with the United States, one of the world's most prosperous countries. What got these original masters of the land into such plight? And who should be responsible for their misfortune? 據 Axios 報導,美國的一個項目最近正在建立一個大型網站,“Native Bound-Unbound: Archive of Indigenous American Enslaved”,以數字化和拼湊數百萬被奴役的美洲原住民的故事。美洲原住民的生活與被迫搬遷、貧困、酗酒和高自殺率有關。很難想像這些詞會與世界上最繁榮的國家之一美國聯繫在一起。是什麼讓這些原始的土地主人陷入如此困境?誰應該為他們的不幸負責?

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