Biden Wants To Force Gun Owners to Have Only 8 Rounds

1 year ago

Biden Wants To Force Gun Owners to Have Only 8 Rounds

Oct 25, 2022 8 Bullets in a round

Joe Biden just proved what I've been saying for years. They'll start with 10 rounds and then change to an even smaller number because their goal is to ban guns, and if they can't ban guns, they make the number of rounds you can have in your gun so small it might as well be a ban on firearms.

In 1994 when the "Assault weapon" ban was passed, it had a magazine limitation of 10 rounds.

The standard capacity for an AR-15 is 30 rounds.

The standard capacity for a full-sized handgun is 17-18 rounds, 15-16 for a mid-sized gun, and 10 - 12 for a compact-sized gun.

So where did they get this magical number of 10 rounds come from?

They made it up.

There was no size or data behind it; they just made it up.

It was completely arbitrary because the goal was to start at 10 rounds and then, over time, waddle it down.

Fast forward to 2022, and Biden is now saying you shouldn't have more than 8 rounds in your gun.

It's completely arbitrary.

The anti-you-have-a-gun politicians know the public has short-term memories, so they can say one number one day and then a different number the next.

They're going to water down the term high-capacity magazine to anything over 1 round.

By the way, the government can have as many bullets in their gun as they want.

This magazine capacity limit won't apply to the police either.

During the last "AR-15" ban any magazine that could carry more than 10 rounds had the words Restricted for LE/Govt Use Only on the magazine.

They weren't hiding the hypocracy because they were writing the
hypocrisy on the magazines

Oh, I almost forgot that criminals would also be able to have as many bullets in their guns as they want because, quite frankly, they don't care what the law says about how many bullets they can have in their weapons.

There are more magazines that can hold more than 8 rounds than there are people in this country.

So this juvenile idea that you're going to keep criminals from getting their hands on these magazines is foolish.

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