Deuteronomy 18:1-14, July 10, 2022; Our God has Not Appointed Such for You

1 year ago

Deuteronomy 18:1-14, July 10, 2022 - Our God has Not Appointed Such for You, S-1496-KL

Today's study examines God's requirements for and privileges of the Levitical priests and His prohibitions against all forms of occult practices. The tribe of Levi was the only one of the twelve tribes of Israel to inherit no land as the "LORD your God has chosen him out of all your tribes to stand to minister in the name of the LORD, him and his sons forever" (Deuteronomy 18:5). When Israel obeyed God's command to support the priests, the people were taught the Word of God, and the nation prospered. When they failed to do so and the priests were forced to look for other means of support, they and the people fell into religious apostasy, and the nation suffered. While Christians are not under God's laws for the Jewish people, we see the same principle play out today. To the extent that pastors seek to teach the whole counsel of God and their congregations allow them to do so, families and society are blessed through their obedience. Sadly, today we see how compromise and apostasy in our churches has led to our society's steady decline into moral and spiritual chaos. God also wisely forbids his people from engaging in any form of spiritism / occultism, as even seemingly benign activities are gateways to satanic influence and control. As Christians, we must be aware of the spiritual battle we are in and the strong delusion and spirit of the Antichrist that is at work in our world today. Pastor Kevin exhorts believers to remain true to the Word of God and shun satanic influences in order to protect ourselves and our families from destruction.

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