Plants of the kings

1 year ago

Ashoka Flower Mythology

Ashoka flower has a close relationship in Hindu and Buddhist mythology. The name "asoka" is taken from the Sanskrit language, which means "without sorrow".

In Buddhism, it is believed that the person who spread Buddhism was born under an asoka tree. In addition, a Buddhist king who was the ruler of the Maurya Gupta empire in 273 – 232 BC is also referred to as King Asoka.

In India, Ashoka flower is considered a sacred plant. This is because Buddhists and Hindus believe that this plant has something to do with the Yakshi. Yakshi is a mythological creature believed by both religions.

Therefore, in Ancient India Ashoka flowers could only be found around the royal area. At that time, this plant could not be planted carelessly by the general public.

Ashoka Flower Benefits

Ashoka plants are better known as ornamental plants because of their beautiful shape and bright flower colors. However, the Ashoka tree also has other good benefits, especially for the health of the body.

Here are some of the benefits of Ashoka flower plants:
1. As Antioxidant
2. Overcoming Irregular Menstruation
3. Wound & Bruise Medicine
4. Leg cramps medicine
5. Dysentery medicine
6. Brighten Skin

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