Harpal Brar: "Imperialism is going to crash"

1 year ago

Harpal Brar to antiwar movement: 'Unable to solve the problems of its people, imperialism is going to crash'

CPGB-ML founding chairman Harpal Brar greets the founding conference of the new World Anti-imperialist Platform https://wap21.org/ whose joint declaration on 'The rising tide of global war and the tasks of anti-imperialists' was launched in Paris on Friday 14 October.

Comrade Harpal is the honourary chairman of this united front, providing a theoretical anchor for its practical activities.

We are very proud of this important contribution our small party can make to the world struggle against imperialist crisis and war – a fight that the working class must win if it is to have a future.

To read the Paris Declaration in full, go to https://thecommunists.org/2022/10/20/news/paris-declaration-rising-tide-of-war-anti-imperialist-platform/

Further explanatory notes: https://wap21.org/?p=336


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