No Farmers = No Food = No Life!

1 year ago

The world is now facing a man-made food catastrophe. It is reaching crisis levels.

Current policies in many parts of the world place a priority on climate change for realizing a green new deal. Meanwhile, such policies will contribute to children dying from severe malnutrition due to broken food systems, with shortages of food and water, stress, anxiety, fear, and dangerous chemical exposure.

More negative pressure on farmers and the food system is asking for a catastrophe. The immune system of many people, especially children, has lost its resilience and has weakened too far with high risks for intoxication, infections, non-communicable and infectious diseases, deaths and infertility.

-How YOU can send food directly to a Orphanage:
Easy 1-2-3 Step System:
1) Find a Orphanage in a poor part of the world.
2) Find a Local Grocery Store or Food Wholesaler that can deliver to the orphanage.
3) Place the order & have it delivered!

Tomorrow isn't promised! Send food to starving kids today!

Every meal counts! Please send food today!! YOU can be that special person who sends meals to starving children!

BE A REAL HERO - send tons of food to orphanages all across the world now!!

The only thing that matters is getting as much food to Starving Children in the 3rd world as possible!!!

Feed The Starving Children Organization

The purpose of the charity Feed The Starving Children Organization is to spread the word about poverty and to also rally the people of this planet to END WORLD HUNGER once and for all.

If you are in a financial position to do something and to send food to orphanages then please do the right thing and have food delivered to a orphanage of your choice!

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