10 World Hunger Facts you need to know! World Vision article review

2 years ago

Reading and reacting to a Article written by World Vision Organization.
I am simply a guy trying to research and figure out as much information as possible in order to understand how to best combat World Hunger. I found this article and I thought I would give my analysis and share it with all of you.

A real Hero is a person who sees people starving to death and trys to do something about it! Be that Hero today and please have food sent to some starving kids at a orphanage in a poor part of the world today! Or do something to help the less fortunate if you are able to do so.

FeedStarvingChildren.org does not accept any donations of any kind, simply a organization trying to raise awareness for children who are starving to death all over the world. Please help them somehow if you are in a position to do so thank you!

Link to original article:

Feed The Starving Children Organization

- How YOU can send food directly to a Orphanage:
Easy 1-2-3 Step System:
1) Find a Orphanage in a poor part of the world.
2) Find a Local Grocery Store or Food Wholesaler that can deliver to the orphanage.
3) Place the order & have it delivered!
*** It is best to send a email to the orphanage first to make sure they will accept the food donation you are sending them. It is also best to make sure your food supplier is close enough to the orphanage and that they will make the delivery.

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