BFGC - Oct 23, 2022 Introducing God

1 year ago

The Bible is filled with word descriptions and titles for Yehovah, that we can see when we look back into the original Hebrew writings. God tells us many things about Himself, and then shows us how those descriptions apply to Him in scripture. Satan wants to cover up and gloss over the many wonderful things about God and he wants you to think that God is uncaring and unjust, when He is not. Study God's Word and learn the titles that paint a wonderful picture of the loving, kind, and merciful God that sent His Son to die, that we might have a relationship with Him in glory. Be ready to share what God is really like to the lost, and don't be afraid to pray and claim the promises we see in the titles God provided about himself in His Word.

Love God, Love your Neighbor, Preach the Kingdom
Make Disciples, Sanctify the Name of Yehovah

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