Delirium Tremors : A Nation with ‘DT’s’ - running 2024 - Savage moments - @DonaldTrump - DaamnTalk

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1 year ago

(DT's) DonnieT, Delirium Tremors? & '#DaamnTalk -is Our way to openly TALK about today’s issues - We believe this to be the cornerstone of how (& Why) our Western Democratic process works! Welcome- We invite you to take a short, bizarre minute during the video to ‘Talk’ openly with Us at (* - Our passion! We’re asking You to help Us create an online community that’s protected against censorship!!!). ~Think back to 2020. A bankrupt reality tv Star is about to win a second term as president and social media’s billionaire-baby-boy, (Szuckerberg), has legally acquired access to everyone’s modern day digital diaries at the tips of his eerily long fingers…. (“Daamn…”) ~We’ve expressed our views on a President Trump in other segments (‘Duck! It’s Donald’, being one.) NOW We are attempting to avoid spreading Ourself too far hither SO We’re bypassing specific political perspective (opinion-free-as-can-be) and... whatever your feelings – rest assured the entirety of the following *word-rant'vomit -WILL Henceforth be, ‘#DonnieT - free’!! !!! IT'S REAL SIMPLE; to be able to openly TALK about today’s issues IS the cornerstone of how (& Why) our Western Democratic process works! There’s a reason the amendments to Our Constitution are numbered in a particular order with the right to Free Speech proceeding all others, (Protecting the necessary ongoing 'narrative of ideas' in an 'open & free' setting.) "Why IS online-protection necessary?" Protection of internet-speech is necessary because, to grant the right for *We the People to speak freely, is to also allow the potential for Our viewpoints & values to come under threat...This is why We're among others who've been investing our energy into an alternate, more protection-prioritized-platform!! !!! ~please copy/paste the following link: (So, where’s the “REAL SIMPLE” part (?)
To have the discussion is a necessary right, to not have the discussion is to allow for the dismissal of an idea to proceed its presentation! Democrats & Republicans have shared this fundamental mindset with Libertarians, Progressives & Conservatives alike for decades + ~ (BIG-TECH enter Stage Left:)~ Introduce monopolized corporatism into technology & what’d *We the People get(?) *’Big-Tech’ (‘Corporate media’) Surely if this ended up on your screen then your familiar with that catch-all term.) We’re banking that if you read this far, you’ll agree that the amount of power ‘corporate media’ has is by far the most threatening prospect for *Free Speech! In fact, We banked $333 on it~as the first official ‘*DaamnTalk’ promotion –'cuz We feel nothing takes precedence over protecting our Right to have this ‘lil TALK in the first place!
The Federal Govt. has the final 'SAY', -It's of the upmost importance NOW that we Will get the discussion going before the decisions are made! Some of those same people we've chosen to represent us would rather dismiss us on grounds our proposed 'converse session' is too 'controversial'. Truly, the potential for profit IS threatened when we converse amongst each other. This is a way of keeping us in the dark without having to openly address the margin for error & invitation to corruption that's probable when any one private organization has as much power as the U.S Government, (Corporate-media / corporate-social-media arguably does.) We sure won't be standing on a box out front of city-hall voicing our concerns to passers-by on their phones.) - Rather than transparency, a shortcut of sorts has been exploited in the shadows of current affairs. ***"As opposed to establishing regulations in an open exchange of opinions, We, the fully present able-bodied free-thinking citizenry, are allowing the isolation & digital deportation of anyone with a differing viewpoint." *** DaamnTalk has our own Community Standards’s & violating those is grounds for immediate expulsion… from DaamnTalk. You promote violence & we reserve the right to essentially throw you out our front door onto your Daamn __ ! We feel this is in opposition to the philosophy of deporting an individual, group or idea out of an entire country. JOIN US as We TALK to all walks & offer the chance to have a voice, (providing their speaking their Truth)! History may be written by the victors, but events can be verified or disproven during civil discourse - ONLY through civil discourse! (Daamn'Doozy'ofa'claim; "HISTORY EXISTS ONLY THROUGH OPEN DISCUSSION." (heard'it'here first'folks!) Truth won't be taught by an un-informed, passive type. Like almost everything, the DIALOG will go on with or without contribution from the essential voices that REALly matter in this, "new normal". We put "Facts before folks." Spread the DaamnWORD ! #DaamnTalk is OUR place for protected, #DaamnWorthy discourse!
- #DaamnKam (of) 'DaamnTalk', - "Where People Proceed Information"

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