Where Everyone Starts Thinking - Ep.185 - It's Impossible To Think Without Presuppositions - Part 1

2 years ago

Give me just the facts and only then will I believe. No. No. Not those facts I don't like those facts! The idea that one starts with zero assumptions and believes ideas based on just the facts is nice thinking but it's not how people think. Where everyone starts thinking is through their presuppositions - the starting point where one filters the facts through.

It's inescapable and we delude ourselves in thinking it's different. We want to believe we are Spock that divorces himself from emotion and only accepts the logic of the situation. But wait - logic? In a purely natural world that has no transcendental Mind, how is logic to be trusted or even thought of as real? Plus, just logic is not how humans think.

Everyone has a place for faith and it starts with those ideas that they first bring to the table and are really hard to change. Because they inform how one thinks about the complete scope of all reality.

Jim, we're human not a Vulcan philosopher!

00:00 - Introduction
00:40 - A Brief Overview Of Presuppositional Apologetics
04:57 - I Won't Believe Unless There's Proof!
08:50 - Descartes & The Modern Worldview
14:37 - Bahnsen's Critique Of Descartes
15:08 - Fundamental Beliefs Are Necessary
16:00 - A Place For Faith For Everyone
21:46 - Everyone Starts With Assumptions Before They Reason
25:26 - Internal Critique Calling To Live In One's Presuppositions
27:59 - Conclusion

08-08 - James Anderson Interview Ep.138 - https://youtu.be/xVGV6G4g87I

Get The Book(s) - Against All Opposition: Defending the Christian Worldview by Greg Bahnsen - Order At American Vision - https://tinyurl.com/2p8j56s3

Bahnsen Lecture Library - https://tinyurl.com/4p88pz79

Webpage for this episode - https://cavetothecross.com/ep185/

#GregBahnsen #Apologetics #Faith

All episodes, short clips, & blog - https://www.cavetothecross.com

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