The AIR (Aerosol Injection Residue) Inhaled By Me And You

1 year ago

October 23, 2022 - 9:00pm Pacific Time
Every day and night this toxic snow falls from the sky covering
every living thing on Earth. All living creatures breath this poison
all day and night. It invades our bodies and destroys our minds
and now it's only a matter of time...
Of course I'm being facetious when I say "Take a deep breath"
because each and every breath is just as dangerous.
These particles seem to have a mind of their own. They speed up,
slow down, change direction, do loops and spirals etc. Almost
as if they posses intelligence of some sort. There was no breeze
(at least I didn't feel one) yet you can see how many times it
changes direction. Reminded me of a school of fish, like when one
or two fish changes direction, the rest of the school would follow.
This crap falls down like this every night without exception. It falls
like this during the day as well you just can't see it because of the
light from the Sun. Try this yourself - just get a flashlight and go
outside any night and you will see what you're breathing in, what's
getting into your eyes, landing on your skin, settling in your hair,
getting all over your shoes and clothes etc. It's blanketing trees,
lawns, lakes, rivers, ponds, gardens, parks, houses, cars, everything.
It's sickening when you actually see it first hand for yourself.
Special thanks to Thrunite for helping me illuminate the hate.

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