"Heal Minnesota"

1 year ago

Matt Birk and I are committed to healing Minnesota from Tim Walz's failed policies. He tried his best, but this thing got away from him. Crime is out of control, our kids are falling behind in education, and he's not doing what it takes to keep more money in the family budget.

It's time for new leadership and vision. Let's Heal Minnesota, together.


Learn more about Scott Jensen --- https://drscottjensen.com/

Learn more about Matt Birk --- https://mattbirk.com/

Donate Scott Jensen --- https://secure.anedot.com/dr-scott-jensen-for-governor/donate

Donate Matt Birk --- https://secure.anedot.com/dr-scott-jensen-for-governor/birk-for-lg

Merch --- https://drscottjensen.com/shop

Signs --- https://drscottjensen.com/signs/

#Mngov #ScottJensen #MattBirk

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