Railroading Attempts at Dr. Nass

2 years ago

At the virtual hearing, I made 2 comments:

Photoz8:46am They will try to apply the fraudulent paper that waited until the late stages of Covid to implement ivermectin to no avail to debunk any merit to the use of ivermectin.

Photoz8:49am The prosecutors watching look like vultures...

and in her own words at https://merylnass.substack.com/p/the-backstory-maine-medical-board

The backstory: Maine Medical Board vs Meryl Nass, MD Day 2 is Oct. 25, 2022, 9am-5 pm
I just learned tonight that the only charges that the Board considered for my Immediate Suspension in Jan were those of misinformation, all of which have been dropped. But my license remains suspended

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