340 This Poor Widow (Luke 21:1-4) 1 of 2

1 year ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) The child abuse of "gender affirming" mastectomies (cutting the breasts off of minor female children) are exponentially increasing but conservatives in the state of Michigan and in the U.S. House of Representatives are proposing a law and Constitutional Amendment to protect children and preserve parental rights. (2) The Southwest Southern Baptist Seminary takes a firm position for male-only pastoral leadership in local churches.

In our study, Jesus is rebuking and warning about the Scribes and turns his attention to a poor widow who exemplifies the right heart attitude of believers giving to the Lord but also the hypocrisy of the "rich" who give a much lower percentage and with the wrong motive.

Also Reference: Luke 20:45-47 and Acts 20:32-35.


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