Life LESSONS Shared by Andrew Tate for Young Kings

2 years ago

1. Learn To Be Reverent
The reverence you take toward the world will help to open your eyes and enable you to grasp many life’s most important values.

2. Have Moral Character
Character is forged through pressure and hardships. When you’re going through tough times, be thankful for what you have. View challenging situations as an opportunity to grow—both mentally and spiritually.

3. Have Purpose
What you’re meant to do in your life isn’t something that you find underneath a rock, behind a bush, or staring at the stars. It’s something you decide for yourself. Information is everywhere; the challenge is to make effective use of it.

4. Being Broke And Being Poor Are Not The Same
The path to success is never linear. As you embark on your journey of self-discovery, you’ll go through your fair share of ups-and-downs. Being broke is a temporary state that people sometimes go through. Being poor is a permanent state of mind. Don’t confuse the two.

5. Invest In Yourself, Not In Material Things
Nothing in life is permanent. Material assets can be easily be lost or taken away. Knowledge and experience can never be stolen.

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