The Truth About Drugs (Get The FACTS)

1 year ago

There is a lot of talk about drugs in the world—on the streets, at school, on the Internet and TV. Some of it is true, some not.

Much of what you hear about drugs actually comes from those selling them. Reformed drug dealers have confessed they would have said anything to get others to buy drugs.

Don’t be fooled. You need facts to avoid becoming hooked on drugs and to help your friends stay off them.

Sooner or later—if it hasn’t already happened—you, or someone close to you, will be offered drugs. The decision of whether or not to use them could drastically affect your life.

Any addict will tell you they never expected a drug to take control of their life or maybe that they started with “just pot” and that it was “just something to do” with their friends. They thought they could handle it and when they found out they couldn’t, it was too late.

You have a right to know the FACTS about drugs—not opinions, hype or scare tactics. So how do you tell fact from fiction? That is why this website has been created—for you.

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