Understanding the Godhead: Principle 3 (English Version)

2 years ago

Today we are covering the 3rd Principle to Understanding the Godhead (Identifying the Son). It is a continuation of the previous videos in the series and although it is not required, it is highly recommended to view the previous videos first. Included in today's study is a look at some of the outrageous claims orthodoxy and Trinitarian philosophers make in their failed attempts to bolster the Catholic (man-made) doctrine of the Trinity. All points will be addressed with Scripture and not quotes from ancient Greek philosophers and compromised church fathers. I highly recommend viewing all the videos in order to get the maximum benefit from this study. Check out the scriptures used and verify the context. You will find that despite the philosophical arguments posed, they cannot stand up against the Bible. Your comments are encouraged.

***Note: Although you could view this video as a standalone, I recommend viewing the Introduction and Principles 1 and 2 first to receive the most from these lessons.


In case you missed the Introduction and 1st Principle, here are the links.
Introduction: https://rumble.com/v1l55ff-understanding-the-godhead-an-introduction.html
Principle 1: https://rumble.com/v1ly4a4-understanding-the-godhead-principle-1-english-version.html
Principle 2: https://rumble.com/v1n0mqk-understanding-the-godhead-principle-2-english-version.html


Here is the link to the scripture list mentioned in the video: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AlMpzvESBGb6h75MDZ3hOw6ft4_jzw?e=AhmoJA


00:00 Prologue
00:28 Thematic Declaration
01:12 Opening Credits
01:47 Series Recap
02:20 Premise Review
04:35 Intro to Principle 3
06:27 Lesson Start
09:13 Orthodox Quotations
11:04 Birth of Christ
13:37 Jargon Problems
16:12 Relationship Examples
18:05 Biblical Examples of Relationships
20:58 Christ's birth part 2
24:42 Things the Son couldn't do
28:27 Things God cannot do
36:40 Sonship's Mission
40:26 Son in the OT?
45:13 Conclusion
46:02 Outro
47:22 Ending Credits

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