April 13, 2015 ❤️ JESUS... The greatest Danger for our Relationship are Distractions & Projects 2/3

1 year ago

Text & Audio of Video Content... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2015/12/07/jesus-sagt-zahlt-die-kosten-einer-innigen-beziehung-mit-mir-jesus-says-count-the-cost-of-an-intimate-relationship-with-me/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

The greatest Danger for our Relationship are Distractions & Projects

April 13, 2015 Part 2/3 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “Clare, do you need to lie down?”

(Clare) Yes Lord, I am so sleepy.

(Jesus) “Rest with Me, we will come back to this.”

(Clare) Thank you Lord, thank you for understanding.

(Jesus) “You are My wife, should I not care for your needs?”

(Clare) An hour later… ‘Wow, I feel better. I wonder, I can sit down after a nap and here you are again. Why can’t I just sit down and talk with You like this anytime?’

(Jesus) “I never said you couldn’t. These are the limitations YOU have put on our relationship, not I. I do love it when we spend worship time together first.”

(Clare) Oh Lord, you know that tonight I didn’t even want to come out of that.

(Jesus) “What I know is that you need Me every day, all the time, to keep that God shaped place filled and purring.”

(Clare) I can’t believe you said that!

(Jesus) “Well, isn’t that the perrrrfect word?”

(Clare) Now you’re being silly and they will never believe it is truly Jesus Christ I am talking to.

(Jesus) “And you – who do you say I am?”

(Clare) You are the most wonderful, most charming, kindly, comfy friend I’ve ever had… and God, to boot.

(Jesus) “I’ll receive that as a kiss from My Bride.”

(Clare) So, is there anything else you want to say, Lord?

(Jesus) “Indeed there is. I have waited all your life for us to be together this way. Blessed is the soul who takes up this invitation, sooner than later. You have suffered so much out of ignorance and loneliness, if only we could have been together this way when you were still very little.”

(Clare) Yes, Lord, if only…

(Jesus) “This is why I have brought you as a gift to My precious Brides, so they don’t have to wait but can enter in now. No more loneliness, no more aloneness in the decisions of life. I am here at your right hand, by your side and I will always lead you when you ask it of Me.”

“The greatest danger to this relationship is distraction and business. These are the subtle tools satan uses to slowly and ever so imperceptibly draw you away from Me. He is very cautious to do it slowly so that you don’t notice what is taking place. It begins with projects such as you are facing right now.”

(Clare) Oh yes… That would be moving an 83 year old woman who is a hoarder with 4 tiny barking dogs out of the front house and other things that need to be done here on the property.

(Jesus) “Yes, you may take this as a warning. However what you have going for you now that you didn’t have before was responsibility to souls who want to grow closer to Me. Your motherly nature will put the stops on you before you lose what we have right now. But in the past, this is precisely how he stole you away from Me. And I cried Clare, I cried and cried because I missed you so.”

(Clare) My heart sank and tears welled up in my eyes. ‘Oh, God and my best friend… I am so deeply sorry.’

(Jesus) “Yes. There is a cost My Brides. Your life will be stripped down to the bare necessities and very little pleasures from the outside. This is a price you must be willing to pay. I will convict you of your curiosity and the time you take to indulge it surfing on the internet, while I am at your side waiting.”

“I will convict you of vanity staying in front of the mirror or shopping for preparations to make you look better. I will convict you of time at a salon, and even eating lunch out with a friend, that has no bearing on spiritual growth for either one of you. I will convict you of spending too much time in the kitchen, the garden and compulsive cleaning.”

“This is your guide. If you have peace and joy in what you do that is not directly related to Me, then you will know I am with you...


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