April 12, 2015 ❤️ Jesus Christ explains... These are the final Facets on My Jewels

1 year ago

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Jesus says... These are the final Facets on My Jewels

April 12, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... "My Brides, when I formed you, you were merely that chunk of coal. But in My sight, heavily laden with promises of My glory to be revealed in you. While you were on the Earth, you were in the depths of the Earth under tremendous pressure so that one day, when you ascended to Me, I could facet you most perfectly that not one attribute of exquisite beauty would be missed."

"This is why when people have gone to Heaven they marvel at the beauty of even the lowliest soul. They shine with a brilliance only I can impart – and according to the pressures of your life on Earth, to that degree you will shine. So do not complain at what you are undergoing now, for it is written: … that the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come, that shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:18

"So, My Bride – your worth is far beyond rubies and the finest gold. The pressures you suffer under now are merely creating new brilliance that will at once be revealed in Heaven as you trade your corruption for incorruption. In that moment it shall be revealed to you why you had to suffer and what incomparable beauty has been wrought in you."

"Each of you is My precious gem and I know precisely where to apply the chisel and the wheel to grind away the imperfections and reveal the breath taking beauty of your Soul."

"I know the times now are very trying. I know you all are experiencing trials that seem like they will never end. That is because your journey on this Earth is almost at an end, and in those last moments I want to adorn you with even more beauty for My eyes to gaze upon in Eternity."

"And it is not only for your sakes that you are undergoing these testing’s – it is also for your brothers and sisters who have not yet given their lives to Me. I wish for no man to perish and someone must fast and pray to cooperate with Me in the process of conversion. This suffering is your prayer and your fast. Someone must carry that cross that redemption will come to its fullest as the soul turns to Me."

"And for this purpose I am allowing these heavy crosses in your lives. Please understand, it is out of love for you and for your brothers and sisters that I have given you these crosses. Blessed is the man that endures temptation; for when he has been proved, he shall receive a crown of life, which God has promised to them that love Him."

"You will look back on this time and wish I had granted you even heavier trials. But I understand your frame and I will not allow more than you are able to handle, with My grace strengthening you. So, when you feel that you are at your absolute limit, turn to Me with great confidence and ask for more strength. Run this race right up to the finish line and press on toward the goal of the high calling in Me, that the glory revealed in Me may also be in you. For if you die to yourself in Me, surely you will rise with Me in glory."

"I am telling you now that you may be prepared that further trials are going to assault you. But no weapon formed against you will bring you down, you will triumph in Me. Be strong, be courageous and look beyond this veil of confusion you must call your temporary home. Cling to My promises and do not in any way give ground to the enemy."


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