two clips I took from the documentary "The Real Anthony Fauci"

2 years ago

The documentary/movie was based on the book with the same title by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The clips are about the inventor of PCR Kary Mullis who specifically mentioned PCR is NOT A TEST for making it clear whether one is positive or negative of a possible influenza virus. The other clip is about the Wuhan lab leak where signs are denied/curtailed in the media to notify the world Covid-19 did NOT leak from the Wuhan 'Wet market.'

furthermore the book/movie tries in a persuading way (this is not conveyed in the clips so try to watch the whole movie) to let it sink in that Fauci cooked the books in a much earlier stage in his career too concerning HIV/AIDS when patients were prescribed AZT (a high toxic medicine) that was riddled with catastrophe but seemed lucrative for the people behind AZT.

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