WWII NWO and the Je....S

2 years ago

You could apply this info to the Ukraine-Russia conflict. What would be the intended outcome? Some suggest that Israel isn't working out as planned and might be moved to Ukraine (once it is emptied). This would probably act as the new european headquarters for the Khazarians.

Another video about the JE....S https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=453&v=kkHjODke4Hc&feature=emb_logo

[0:00] who planned WWII (in Germany).
[3:30] Rome explands via communism.
[7:00] Fascism
[11:33] Thesis Antithesis Revolutions are financed.
[18:00] Who Financed WWII
[21:00] JFK including some debunked rubbish.
(you can download hi res scans of each frame of the zapruder film. It shows driver has a reflective head not a gun.)
[26:00] Kennedys mistakes.

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