What if High Inflation is What THEY want? This Changes Everything!

1 year ago

Inflation is kicking the butts' of the lower and middle classes in the US and the world. The conventional view is that the US Government views this as bad. There is just one thing: the US Government is massively in debt; if it raises the interest rates to curb inflation, it will also have to pay higher interest on that debt. HOWEVER, if you pay off your debt with dollars of less value, and keep the interest rates low, that is actually to the Government's advantage!

Money-printing has been a go-to strategy for indebted nations for a very long time. Oh yea, its also why they often spiral into hyper-inflationary chaos. So, there is that.

IF... and that's a big IF, here... higher inflation is their intended goal, then everyone and their mother is going to have to go back to the drawing board and re-evaluate what our best course forward is.

Is the Fed actually glad that inflation is high? If not this time, sometime in the future, when the dam finally breaks, they definitely will be glad they have that printing press at their disposal!

Quoted in this video is Adam Fergusson's "When Money Dies."

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