If our minds are powerful enough to cause us pain then they are powerful enough to heal us ✨

1 year ago

If our minds are powerful enough to cause us pain they are powerful enough to heal us!

Self destruction was a common behaviour of mine in the past & I use to blame everyone and everything around me for the things that would happen to me.

I was addicted to being the victim and living by a poor me, why me mentality. I wanted people to feel bad for me and re affirm my trauma so I could justify why I did the self destructive things that I did.

This was always in the way of self harm, drinking myself silly until I was numb from feeling, taking drugs to continuously escape my reality, trying to end my life or cause physical harm to my body in the process of trying.

Forming trauma bond after trauma bond, attracting more and more of the things I tried so hard to get away from.

Heres the thing though I could never escape myself until I faced myself. *read that again*

With all the darkness will always come light so long as we are willing to step out of our own way, we must allow ourselves to overcome our self destruction by getting beyond our mind.

It is entirely possible for you to heal yourself, for you to adopt new beliefs & for you to become and entirely new person who is able to create the reality you know you deserve to live.

Remember our personality creates our personal reality so the way we think,feel and act will always be a reflection of our reality. Internal is always mirrored back to us by the external. You want change? Create it. It’s that simple. You want to feel less pain, implement healing techniques in your daily life, learn how to love yourself & receive love fully.

You have to really want it for yourself & change doesn’t come easy.

Change doesn’t fall in our laps, change requires work & if you’re willing to go there & I mean really go there life as you know it will never ever be the same 🤎

You switch pain for joy. Resentment for happiness. Hate for love. Stress for peace. Judgement for understanding. Worry for trust.

You feel liberated, powerful, empowered, purposeful & you hold a vision for your life so big that nothing and no one can take that from you!

You came here to live not settle! Let’s level up ⬆️

Click the link below if you’re ready to heal on a cellular & physiological level 👇🏽


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