using "mental illness" to talk about mental illness

1 year ago

see that mf walkin that
turn signals are a form of communication that makes sense
examples that you choose not to see
if you're on your phone you can't see it
fear frequency and you're a goner
we insist on God's love and Divine Grace
jazz makes me happy
this is brubeck
not that i care about legality but...
such pretty foliage
i hate subdivisions, just the term kinda says it all
this slow ass poke right here
it's like an orgy over here
fomo mfs
what's the point in goin out and exercising
more demonic shit
goin trick or treating for the shared experience
kids dunno that the world is shit yet
i actually washed my harr this time
bathing is hard for schizos
we could capture a city w/ all this
what's worth saving about amerihahaha
i wanna transform this country
voice of faith from the church bus (literal)
yay montrell is here
collectively showing up late w/ coworkers
literal melanin vs. invisible melanin
people should get their ass beat regardless (it would do so many people some good)
since nobody is taking anything into account
not encouraging censorship but...
multiple ways to say what you want
tell on yourself so you can tell on the world
exalting themselves online (how apropo)
i don't deserve the Kingdom but i still get it
is it weird to wanna stay during Tribulation *i actually think we are already in it
God's wrath in action will be glorious
people will need a good sense of humor

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